Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Lab 3.4.1 Creating VLANs and Assigning Ports

•  Configure three VLANs on a switch.
• Verify connectivity.
Background / Preparation
This lab focuses on the basic VLAN configuration of the Cisco 2960 switch (or similar) using Cisco IOS commands. The information in this lab applies to other switches; however, command syntax may vary. Depending upon the switch model, the interface designations may differ. For example, modular switches have multiple slots; therefore, the Fast Ethernet ports may be Fast Ethernet 0/1 or Fast Ethernet 1/1, depending on the slot and port.
The following resources are required:
•  One Cisco 2960 switch or other comparable switch
•  Three Windows-based PCs with a terminal emulation program
•  One RJ-45-to-DB-9 connector console cable to configure the switch
•  Three straight-through Ethernet cables to connect from the PCs to Switch 1
NOTE: Make sure that the switch has been erased and has no startup configurations. Instructions for erasing the switch are provided in the Lab Manual, located on Academy Connection in the Tools section.
Step 1: Connect the equipment
a.  Connect PC1 to the switch with a console cable.
b.  Connect PC1 to switch port Fast Ethernet 0/4 with a straight-through Ethernet cable.
c.  Connect PC2 to switch port Fast Ethernet 0/5 with a straight-through Ethernet cable.
d.  Connect PC3 to switch port Fast Ethernet 0/7 with a straight-through Ethernet cable.
Step 2: Perform basic PC configuration
Use this table to configure addressing on the PCs.
Step 3: Configure Switch 1
a.  Configure Switch 1 with a hostname and console, Telnet, and privileged passwords.
b.  Configure Switch 1 with the VLAN 1 IP address of
Switch1(config)#interface vlan1
Switch1(config-if)#ip address
Switch1(config-if)#no shutdown
c.  Create VLAN 10, named Faculty, and VLAN 20, named Students.
Switch1(config)#vlan 10
Switch1(config-vlan)#name Faculty
Switch1(config-v exit  lan)#
Switch1(config)#vlan 20
Switch1(config-vlan)#name Students
d.  Configure Switch 1 with the default gateway address of
Switch1(config)#ip default-gateway
e.  Configure Switch 1 to place interfaces Fa0/5 and Fa0/6 in VLAN 10.
Switch1(config)#interface Fa0/5
Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
Switch1(config-if)#interface Fa0/6
Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 10
f.  Configure Switch 1 to place interfaces Fa0/7 and Fa0/8 in VLAN 20.
Switch1(config)#interface Fa0/7
Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
Switch1(config-if)#interface Fa0/8
Switch1(config-if)#switchport mode access
Switch1(config-if)#switchport access vlan 20
g.  Save the configuration.
Switch1#copy running-config startup-config
h.  By default, there is only a single VLAN for all ports. You cannot rename or delete VLAN 1. Therefore, no further configuration is necessary to assign the rest of the ports to VLAN 1. To prove this, issue the command show vlan brief.
i. Are all other switch ports in VLAN 1? Jawaban = ya semua ports berada pada VLAN 1
j. Which switch ports are in VLAN 10? Jawaban = Fa0/5 – Fa0/6
k. Which switch ports are in VLAN 20? Jawaban = Fa0/7 – Fa0/8
l. Issue the command show vlan.  What difference is noticed between the two commandsshow vlan brief and show vlan? Jawaban = perbedaan antara command show vlan brief dan show vlan ialah pada show vlan brief hanya sedikit sekali informasi yagn diberikan, jika pada show vlan tiap – tiap port pada switch dirincinya.
Step 4: Verify connectivity
a.  Ping from each PC to Switch1 address of
Are PC1 pings successful? Ya , berhasil
Are PC2 pings successful? Ya, berhasil
Are PC3 pings successful?ya, berhasil 
b.  Ping from PC1 to PC2 and PC3.
Can PC1 ping PC2? Tidak  berhasil 
Can PC1 ping PC3? Tidak berhasil.
Step 5: Reflection
a. Why can PC1 ping Switch1 when PC2 and PC3 cannot? Jawaban = karena PC1 memiliki alamat IP address subnet bitnya langsung termasuk yang dipakai sebagai gateway. Sedangkan PC2 dan PC3 tidak.
b. The PCs cannot ping each other. Why? Jawaban = karena masing masing PC berada pada kelas yang berbeda, yaitu PC1 = . Pc2= sedangkan PC3 = 172.16.30.

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