Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Tugas CCNA 4 Lab 2.4.2 Identifying Organizational Constraints

Step 1: Identify possible project constraints

1. Use word processing software to create a project constraints document.
2. Develop a list of possible constraints that set limits or boundaries on the network upgrade project by brainstorming ideas with other students.
3. Classify each constraint as one of the four following types:

* Budget
* Policy
* Schedule
* Personnel

Step 2: Tabulate the relevant constraints

1. Relate the list of constraints to the prioritized business goals of the FilmCompany.
2. Develop a definitive list of items that apply specifically to the FilmCompany case study.
3. Enter the constraints into a table.
4. Save your Project Constraints Checklist document and retain it for the next stages of this network design case study.

Step 3: Reflection
The constraints imposed on this network design project are determined by the internal requirements of the FilmCompany. Consider and discuss external constraints. Include constrains that may be beyond the control of the business but which, in some circumstances, affect a network design project.
Outcomes will vary. Points may include:

* Shortage of skilled personnel
* Unavailability of equipment or cabling of the required technical specifications
* Reliable public electricity supply
* Lack of accommodation to house the expanded business and its network infrastructure
* Restricted access to external WAN and Internet infrastructure

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